Friday, June 29, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things *part 1*

My favorite game. Guess Who?
This is hands down one of the funnest and funniest games I have ever played. It's also one of the easiest games. As you can tell from the top picture, my game has gotten LOTS of play time.

Rules are simple 
1.) Pick your card
2.) Ask the other player a "yes or no" question about the person on their card
3.) As you find out info about the other person's card, turn down the faces on the board that have been ruled out

For example: "Is your person wearing a hat?" "YES!" So, then you would put down everyone who is NOT wearing a hat. "Is your person wearing glasses?" "NO!" Then, you would put down the people who ARE wearing glasses.


However, the reason this is my favorite game is because my best friend, Nicholas, and I have come up with our own sorts of questions that we play with.
Here are a few:

"Is your person White Trash or Bill?" YES!

To help us further, "Have you ever lived in a trailer with your mother, wife, girlfriend, 4 kids, 3 dogs, 6 cats, a rabbit, and a parakeet?"

If yes, you are White Trash (Alfred). If no, you are Bill.

"Have you ever owned an Italian restaurant or Korean deli?" YES!

To help us further, "Do you have marinara stains on you right now?"

If yes, you are Max. If no, you are Alex.

"Do you look like Rodney Dangerfield?"

"Are you an upset detective?"

"Are you Maria (who everyone wants)?"

...and my personal favorite...

If YES, sadly, you are most likely this guy.

And, of course, we always turn down poor Susan, because we lost her card.

So here's to you, Susan! Happy Friday. :)

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