Friday, July 27, 2012

Bumps of Mystery

Shoes: Forever 21
Shirt: Forever 21
Dress: Forever 21

You wanna know what's weird? Do ya? DO YA!? Well pull up a chair and let me tell ya! Yesterday I had been trying on a bunch of clothes and doing various sorts of things for 30 for 30 like posing in weird places. Then last night, as I was laying in bed watching Dawson's Creek on Netflix (I know I'm that cool), I scratched my neck and realized that hey, I have some weird bumps on my back!? WHOA!! Hold your crazy horses! I've never had a bump on my back let alone 50 bazillion.  Clearly, this lady, and by this lady I mean me, started freaking out. But then my dad came to the rescue and told me it was an allergic reaction. Allergies? REALLY?! I've never been allergic to anything in my entire life. And now all of a sudden I'm breaking out like the creature from the black lagoon!? No. Thank. You.

I need a cure STAT!

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