Friday, September 28, 2012


Today's post is dedicated to all the kindergarten teachers busting their little butts off. 

The cute, the bad, and the ugly of kindergarten:

The Cute:
  • Lots of hugs
  • Tons of pictures/drawings saying, "BEST TEACHER EVER!" (many in which you have purple rock star hair)
  • Many "I love you's"
  • Hundreds of personal questions like, "What's your first name?," "Are you 50?," "Why is your hair so long?," "Is your hair orange?," or "Is that your real hair?" 
  • Always getting complimented on your clothes, make-up, and hair

The Bad:
  • Lots of squirmers
  • Students always calling out your name over and over, until you acknowledge at them, no matter how many times you kindly remind them to raise their hand
  • Having a whole class that needs to use the restroom, trying to take turns, and having some students take at least 7 minutes in the bathroom because they're playing with the water (while others can barely hold it)
  • Asking students to raise their hand if they need their pencil sharpened and seeing 28 hands shoot into the air...
  • ...then having to sharpen each pencil with a student's personal sharpener because the electric and hand crank sharpeners are both broken
  • Having to basically be the mother/babysitter/ teacher of 24+ six year olds all at once

The Ugly:
  • Having students cutting their hair
  • Having students cutting other's hair
  • Cleaning up pee
  • Cleaning up poop
  • The aftermath of a student learning that there are consequences to bad choices
Yeah....kindergarten teachers are definitely some of the toughest people out there. Thank you for all you do!

Thanks again for reading!

Blouse: Old Navy
Skirt: Forever 21: similar here
Shoes: Marshalls
Necklace: Charlotte Russe
Bracelets: Burlington

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