Thursday, December 19, 2013

cart girl

"Click, clack, squeeeeeeee! Clickety, clack, SQUEEEEEEEE!!!"
These were the not so beautiful sounds emerging from my library cart these past few days as I drug it through the echoing hallways at school. 
"We could hear you coming a mile away," says one teacher. 
"Wow. What kind of noise is that?," cries another!
"Sorry, it's the only cart we have....," I sadly admit to all of the onlookers who emerge from their classrooms.

I've had the pleasure of being a library sub this whole week. Seriously, I looooove being the librarian. Not only do I get to be surrounded by books, but I get to see every smiling face in the school. And these kids are awesome. They are so jazzed about reading. It makes me smile, big time. 

But this week, a little kink was thrown into the mix. There was a program that was taking place in the library at one of my schools yesterday and today. So instead of having library class in the library, we had it in the classrooms. Which really isn't that big of a deal! But because tomorrow is the last day of school before Christmas break (yay!), we needed to get all of the books back, checked into the library, and put back on the shelves (not so much yay). 

Well, the only problem with that was collecting all of the books. So, on I go, with the crazy cart. "Click, clack, SQUEEEEEE!!!!" Really, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, with a peg leg and a wheel that squeals.  And this chicken was basically flying solo for two days. Thank goodness our clerk came in for a couple hours this afternoon to help get the books back on the shelves. She is wonderful and came into work to help me even though she was home sick. 

Luckily, tomorrow we'll be back in the library. Oh, oh, oh! Tomorrow is the Christmas concert. Can't wait to see what those little nuggets put together. And now I gotta go find my Santa hat. Let the festivities begin!

Chambray: H&M
Shirt: Charlotte Russe
Skirt: Target
Boots: Bon-Ton
Necklace: Charlotte Russe

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